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Song Genre Classification Using Pitch Data

EECS 595 (LING 541) Natural Language Processing Final Project

Sequentializing Compiler-Based Graph Representations of Code for Machine Learning

EECS 583 Advanced Compilers Final Project

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This is a personal project I made in Summer 2020 after taking my first couple of programming courses. Its primary function is keeping score of nearly any board/card game, but it has many other features including analytics for individual players that takes into account their play history.
In January 2023, I was approached by the Wayne State University's Men's Tennis team to specialize the software for their use in tryouts and challenge matches.

Reddit Takes the Stock Market

This is a webpage I made to briefly explain the phenomenon from 2021 wherein investors originating from Reddit caused multiple publicly traded stocks (especially those infamous for being shorted by hedge funds) to rocket up in price.

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Fairness, Transparency, and Interpretability in Predicting Recidivism

Undergraduate Thesis Report

Parallelizing Path Counting

Term Project Report for EECS 587 Parallel Computing

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Bachelor's Degree from the University of Michigan

with Highest Distinction and Honors in Computer Science

Certification of Completion of Artificial Intelligence Track

as part of my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

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Transformer-based Disentanglement of Natural Language for Counterfactual Explainability

EECS 692 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Term Project

MediCryption Presentation

EECS 598-009 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Term Project

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